Snapshot Narrative

When deciding how to start my Snapshot Narrative, I found it difficult at first to summarize myself within events in my life. I finally decided to write about a music festival, a soccer game, the day I got my dog, and the relationship with my father. When deciding which genres to use, I found it easy to quickly connect certain events to a type of genre, such as a sporting event with a news article and a personal memory with a journal entry or a self-reflection. This was the first time I was composing in these genres, specifically as I am not a huge fan of writing in my spare time. I may have written something close to a journal entry or a self-reflection but not necessarily for school. I very heavily considered using the genre of a letter to someone or my future self but decided against it because I believed the snapshots I chose best reflected me through this project. I did not find any snapshot to be particularly difficult to write but if I had to choose one, it would be the journal entry on the Okeechobee Music Festival as I wanted to portray my memory but not include too much detail as to make the snapshot to lengthy.

One thought on “Snapshot Narrative”

  1. I agree with your connection of personal accounts to certain genres. I found it very easy to connect personal accounts, and memories to journal entries, as I did use two journal entries in my snapshot project. I also agree on utilizing snapshots that embodied who I was and I was comfortable with. I believe that writing a resume, movie scene, or even a poem, though I did believe in trying to execute them, did not fit into the snapshot itself and who I am. I believe that being able to find important aspects of yourself and implementing them into a snapshot was a problem that all of us had to go through. There were times that I wanted to include aspects of myself and integrate them into snapshots, however, I left them out because the meaning and information was not good. I remember reading through and adding comments to your snapshot and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the Okeechobee Music Festival that you mentioned. I too had moments where I wanted to keep the snapshot concise in order to better tell the story to the audience. I asked myself what was the message of this particular snapshot and made sure that it reached the audience without being too lengthy.

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